The goal of the project is to promote a meaningful role of civil society in Justice Sector reforms. Thanks to the project, civil society representatives will have the opportunity to increase their impact on the reforms taking place in Justice Sector and contribute to the establishment of systemic changes.

Juremonia project started in February, 2022. It was funded by the EU and implemented by the consortium of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, the Penal Reform International, the Social Justice NGO and the Civil Society Institute NGO.
The aim of the four-year project is to promote the meaningful role of the NGO sector in the justice sector reforms.
Thanks to the project, civil society representatives will have the opportunity to increase their impact on the reforms taking place in Justice Sector and contribute to the establishment of systemic changes.
- Capacity building of CSOs in evidence-based and rights-based monitoring, reporting and advocacy for the implementation of Justice and Police sector reforms.
- Strengthening the role of civil society in providing policy proposals and concrete recommendations and action plans for the implementation of reforms.
- Increasing public awareness and debate about justice reform processes, participation of citizens and mass media
- Judicial reforms
- Police reforms
- Anti-corruption reforms
- Prison and Probation Reforms
- Human Rights Strategy
- Preparation of preliminary and final alternative reports
- Designing training programs on monitoring, reporting and strategic advocacy
- Development of curriculum, guidelines, tools for monitoring and evaluation of justice sector reforms
- Creation of an NGO-platform for reforms in the CJ sector
- Providing monitoring and research grants on access to justice
- Develop and submit research and monitoring reports on reform implementation to the government.
- Ministry of Justice
- Police
- Investigative bodies
- Prosecution
- Courts
- Penitentiary service
- Probation service