
Workshop: Electronic monitoring and Home arrest

The “Electronic monitoring and home arrest” workshop was held from July 12 to 13, 2024. This workshop was held as part of the “Justice Reforms Monitoring in Armenia” project (#Juremonia), funded by the European Union, and the “Assistance in Implementing the Strategy of the Penal System in the Republic of Armenia” (AISPIRA) project, funded by The Netherlands Helsinki Committee.

Civil society representatives, lawyers, investigators, and international experts attended the workshop.

In the first part of the workshop, legal expert Tatevik Gharibyan spoke about the research process, methodology, and registered results within the framework of the sub-grant of the #Juremonia project (“Towards better criminal and administrative adjudication and enforcement), implemented by Law Development and Protection Foundation and  Human Rights Protection Armenian Centre.

The study’s goal was to help the general public monitor judicial and legal reforms.

Olga Tešović, Research Fellow at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade, and Mariel Männiste, Advisor Rehabilitation of the Estonian Prison Service, shared their experiences with electronic monitoring and home arrest in Serbia and Estonia, respectively.

As a result of the question-and-answer workshop, a package of recommendations aimed at improving home arrest in Armenia was finalized, and it will be included in the project report.

The final report will be distributed to stakeholders and decision-makers in order to implement situational improvements.