Article 263. Henceforth, the use of the owner’s or other legal owner’s property against the will of the owner, either by ignoring his/her will or by threats, without the purpose of taking possession of that property, which caused significant property damage (i.e., the value exceeding AMD 500,000), shall be considered a crime.
It can be punished with a fine or community service, restriction of liberty, short-term imprisonment or imprisonment.
This article has also a qualitative part. In other words, the said crime has aggravating circumstances, if:
1) it has been committed against a helpless person,
2) it has been committed against a person in a vulnerable situation due to family status or disability,
3) it has been committed against a person financially or otherwise dependent on the offender,
4) it has been committed by using authoritaive or official powers or the influence caused by them or,
5) it has caused particularly significant property damage.
It can be punished with a fine or community service, restriction of liberty, short-term imprisonment or imprisonment.