

The consortium of Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC), Penal Reform International (PRI), Social Justice (SJ) NGO and Civil Society Institute (CSI) NGO has launched a “Justice Reforms Monitoring in Armenia” (JUREMONIA) project with the financial support of the European Union.

The objective of this call is to support civil society organizations, particularly members of the Juremonia Platform, in becoming professionally equipped to prepare and submit alternative reports to UN Treaty Monitoring Bodies. Additionally, the call aims to enhance their efforts in monitoring the implementation of the Armenia–EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA), with a specific focus on the Justice field.

The activities under this grant can include, but are not limited to:

  • Training: Providing educational sessions to build the capacity of civil society organizations in report preparation and submission processes.
  • Professional Consultation: Offering expert advice and support to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the reports.
  • Hands-on Guidance: Actively assisting organizations through the collective report preparation process, ensuring thorough and comprehensive submissions.

 The conditions for making and submitting an application, the duration,  the amount of the grant Click Here>>>

It’s also important to present:

  • Relevant experience on similar projects in past 5 years
  • Certificate of Registration
  • A copy of the taxpayer identification number (TIN) organization (only for the Lead if applied with Consortium);
  • A reference from bank about the existence of a bank account of the organization (only for the Lead if applied with Consortium);
  • CVs of the project team
  • If the proposal is submitted by a consortium: an outline of the cooperation process and the division of tasks between individual members in the application form

Applications should be submitted in English. All submitted applications must be sent electronically to ONLY this email address:  [email protected]

Deadline for submission of proposal is 15 September 2024. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

You may also submit your proposal related questions until 1 September 2024 via the email address mentioned above. Questions will be answered within 5 working days.

Indicative date for receiving feedback to the applications is 30 September 2024 and will be sent via email.