Strengthening Criminal Justice reforms in the Republic of Armenia
Pilot project on juveniles’ probation activities
Establishment the probation model for juveniles in the Republic of Armenia
- Pilot project on juveniles’ probation activities. Planning and implementation of justice policy.
- Establishment of the probation model for juveniles in the Republic of Armenia.
- Pilot program for different probation activities for juveniles, during imprisonment and serving alternative sentences as well as during probation period (when under supervision)
- Analyses of local legislation (mainly Criminal Code, Criminal Presages Code and Penitentiary Code) and providing recommendation and legal drafting to the Ministry of Justice.
- Analysis of cross-cutting issues: good governance, human rights, gender issues.
- Drafting a baseline for drafting further legal acts according to juvenile justice policy within Penitentiary System in Armenia, including planning further probation activities with juveniles
USAID/Counterpart International Representation in Armenia